By now many of you are probably familiar with the story of the 15-year old Pakistani school girl and human rights activist Malala Yousafzai. At the age of 11, Malala did the unthinkable, she spoke out very publicly in a diary blog featured on BBC criticizing the Taliban’s repressive policy against educating girls. For this, Malala and a fellow schoolgirl were gunned down as they left school on October 9th.
Malala and her friend’s pain were not in vain. It’s incredible the level of reactions to Malala. For an extremist group that is so against giving rights to women, they sure are giving this young girl plenty consideration and ample attention. It’s obvious by their retaliation that her words struck a chord amongst the group, and they felt threatened. Conversely, support of Malala has poured in from all corners of the world and condemnation against the Taliban has been severe…
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