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"I loved Deborah Klayman’s Boundary, which brought images of cities divided by war home to the famous urban boundary between Edinburgh and Leith."

Joyce McMillan

Awards and Associations

Traverse Fifty - Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh

Cambridge University Press "Channel the Bard" competition winner (with Ali Kemp)

Old Diorama Arts Centre Associate Performer Scheme award (with Ali Kemp)

Deborah Klayman - Playwright


But For Us (with Ali Kemp) | 120 mins | 2022

The Boundary | 90 mins | 2021

Trapped (with Ali Kemp) | 25 mins | 2018

Smash & Grab | 15 mins | 2014

Lock Up Your Sons | 20 mins | 2014

Heart's Desire (with Ali Kemp) | 15 mins | 2014

Madjesty (with Ali Kemp) | 15 mins | 2014

Cause for Alarm | 15 mins | 2013

Civil | 10 mins | 2013

Losing Light (with Ali Kemp) | 20 mins | 2013

The Boundary | 5 mins | 2013

Cascade of Baubles (with Ali Kemp) | 20 mins | 2012

My Bloody Laundrette (with Ali Kemp) | 15 mins | 2012

eXclusion (with Ali Kemp) | 75 mins | 2011

Eve & Lilith (with Jessica Martenson) | 60 mins | 2005

Janetarium | 20 mins | 1994


Deborah is an award-winning playwright and co-founder of Whoop 'n' Wail Theatre Company. Whoop 'n' Wail are Associate Performers at the Old Diorama Arts Centre.

Deborah's plays include:

The Boundary (Plays for Edinburgh, Traverse Theatre), Civil (Write Here Festival, Traverse Theatre), Lock Up Your Sons (Lost Theatre), Smash & Grab (Lost Theatre), Eve & Lilith (Edinburgh Festival Fringe) and Janetarium (Class Act, Traverse Theatre).

With Ali Kemp:

But For Us (Rehearsed Readings at The Bush Studio and Old Diorama Arts Centre), eXclusion (UK Tour), Losing Light (Canal Cafe and Rochester Literature Festival), Madjesty (Waterloo East Theatre), Heart's Desire (Waterloo East Theatre), Trapped (Rehearsed Reading), Cascade of Baubles (Horsebridge Arts Centre), and My Bloody Laundrette (Cambridge University Press 'Channel the Bard' competition winner).

© Deborah Klayman, 2023

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