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Deborah Klayman
Apr 27, 2015
Still some tickets for tonight’s show…but there won’t be for long.
Whoop 'n' Wail Well here we are. At Whoop ‘n’ Wail HQ we can’t quite believe that we are about to head to the theatre for our third Whoop...
Deborah Klayman
Apr 26, 2015

Deborah Klayman
Apr 26, 2015
Sharon Maughan talks to the Huffington Post about Whoop ‘n’ Wail.
Whoop 'n' Wail Acclaimed actress Sharon Maughan talks to Carrie Armstrong about her involvement in Whoop ‘n’ Wail Represents…Mayday....

Deborah Klayman
Apr 13, 2015
Baked goods at the ready – we’re in full rehearsal swing!
Whoop 'n' Wail Here are Whoop ‘n’ Wail HQ we are excitedly moving into the next phase of pre-production. It is great to be working with...

Deborah Klayman
Apr 1, 2015
Here it is: The line-up for the third Represents… showcase!
Whoop 'n' Wail We wish to extend our thanks to all the writers from across the UK who have sent us their work in response to the theme of...

Deborah Klayman
Mar 29, 2015
Tickets are now on sale for Represents…MAYDAY!
Whoop 'n' Wail Tickets for Whoop ‘n’ Wail Represents…Mayday are now on sale! Don’t forget that there is a £2 discount on tickets booked...

Deborah Klayman
Mar 22, 2015
Call out for directors!
Whoop 'n' Wail Whoop ‘n’ Wail is on the look out for directors to join the Whoop ‘n’ Wail Represents…Mayday team. If you think you might...

Deborah Klayman
Mar 8, 2015
99 Problems.. Fat B**** is one.
Happy International Women’s Day! Whoop 'n' Wail Happy International Women’s Dayy’all! As an actress Amy has appeared as Mary in BBC1’s...

Deborah Klayman
Mar 4, 2015
Mayday! Call for submissions – one week till the deadline
Whoop 'n' Wail Calling all playwrights: you have just one more week to get your creative juices around ‘Mayday’. A very big thank you to...

Deborah Klayman
Mar 1, 2015
Whoop ‘n’ Wail have opened the submission window for their next Represents… showcase! Whoop 'n' Wail WHOOP ‘N’ WAIL REPRESENTS…MAYDAY...

Deborah Klayman
Mar 1, 2015
Internet Trolls and Patricia Arquette
Kathy Miller In May of 1966, Marie Anderson, women’s editor of the Miami Herald, received a letter from an angry reader. It began...

Deborah Klayman
Feb 21, 2015
COMING SOON: The writers’ submission brief for the next Whoop ‘n’ Wail Represents&
Whoop 'n' Wail Here at Whoop ‘n’ Wail HQ we are taking one last look back at Represents…Desire with a very big thank you to all the...

Deborah Klayman
Feb 5, 2015
Caramac Cookies are fresh out of the oven
Whoop 'n' Wail The last evening of rehearsals is underway and a delicious batch of the legendary WnW Caramac Cookies is fresh out of the...

Deborah Klayman
Feb 2, 2015
The forecast for Waterloo East this Friday and Saturday
Whoop 'n' Wail As we shiver through a very chilly week here in London, we thought it would be a good time to give a big warm Whoop! to...

Deborah Klayman
Jan 23, 2015
Moving the centre – Whoop’n’Wail guest post
17percent Whoop ‘n’ Wail Represents… is a new writing showcase with a difference. With six short pieces by both male and female...
Deborah Klayman
Jan 2, 2015
Social Media Activism for Survivors
A brilliant article and blog

Deborah Klayman
Jan 2, 2015
Submission Window is now Closed
Whoop ‘n’ Wail Represents…Desire: Submission Window is now Closed. Whoop 'n' Wail Many thanks to all those who have submitted their work...
Deborah Klayman
Nov 16, 2014
PREVIEW: Whoop ‘n’ Wail Represents… The Launch
Laura Peatman’s fantastic preview for Whoop ‘n’ Wail Represents… The Launch. Catch us tomorrow night (17th) or the 24th at Waterloo East...

Deborah Klayman
Nov 15, 2014
Caramac cookies – where would Whoop ‘n’ Wail be without them?
Whoop 'n' Wail Pheeewie! What a week here at Whoop ‘n’ Wail headquarters. Represents..The Launch is nearly upon us. There is nothing like...

Deborah Klayman
Nov 10, 2014
Represents..The Launch..The line-up
Whoop 'n' Wail ***************TICKETS ON SALE NOW**********
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