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Deborah Klayman
Dec 10, 2018
Call out for actors — Whoop ‘n’ Wail
Whoop ‘n’ Wail Theatre are casting 8 actors (ages between 40 – 80, including specifically BAME) for a one-day table read of a brand new...

Deborah Klayman
Feb 12, 2018
A new website for a new year
My new website is now up and running – check it out at!

Deborah Klayman
Feb 10, 2018
Whoop ‘n’ Wail’s new website is live! — Whoop ‘n’ Wail
A new website for the new year – Whoop ‘n’ Wail’s shiny new site is live and ready to view now! Same address, only...
Deborah Klayman
Jun 14, 2017
KCTMO – Playing with fire!
Horrifying to see the fears of the Grenfell Action Group realised today in the most tragic of ways. The only thing worse that the...

Deborah Klayman
May 8, 2017
Mental Health Awareness Week
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and this year’s theme is “Thriving or Surviving”. All of us face struggles throughout our...

Deborah Klayman
Jan 31, 2017
Whoop ‘n’ Wail’s founders win the Cambridge University Press”Channel the Bar
In 2016, as part of their Shakespeare 400 commemorations, Cambridge University Press invited submission of short plays inspired by the...

Deborah Klayman
Aug 18, 2016
Break ups, lesbians and procrastination
Whoop 'n' Wail Friend of Whoop ‘n’ Wail, Lizzie Milton, tells us all about her playwrighting debut, female-centric comedy, and the...

Deborah Klayman
Aug 10, 2016
Hashtag 52 plays by women
#52playsbywomen! 17percent On Monday, a brilliant new international theatre parity advocacy call to action launches on social media:...

Deborah Klayman
Jul 22, 2016
Mind your own womb
Nadirah Angail “Nope, not yet,” she says with a chuckle, muffling her frustration. “Well, don’t wait forever. That clock is ticking, ya...

Deborah Klayman
May 15, 2016
Sorry Nicky, I’m out.
The Girl On The Piccadilly Line Dear Nicky Morgan, Please accept this as written notice of my resignation from my role as Assistant Head...

Deborah Klayman
Mar 26, 2016
A matter of consent
Whoop 'n' Wail Playwright and long time Whoop ‘n’ Wail collaborator, Dan Horrigan, tells us about his play, Face the Camera and Smile,...

Deborah Klayman
Feb 28, 2016
Is it easier to be a male Feminst?
It is likely that, if you have decided to read this article, you already know the answer to this question. When Ross Putnam started his...

Deborah Klayman
Jan 16, 2016
What’s in it for me?
Whoop 'n' Wail Guest blogger, actress and award winning writer Dani Moseley says if put yourself out there, you’ll find out. Last year...

Deborah Klayman
Oct 22, 2015
There’s nowhere to hide (apart from in a cupboard!)
I can’t wait to see the full length version of Grit! Whoop 'n' Wail From Represents…. to The Pleasance: playwright Sarah Davies on how...
Deborah Klayman
Oct 15, 2015
Death by a thousand cuts
Earier this month, NHS England chief Simon Stephens urged the govenment to change their mind on measures that would see an estimated...

Deborah Klayman
Sep 24, 2015
We stand #withMalala!
It’s time! Tweet now to stand #with Malala and show your support for Girls Education. Join the campaign and sign the petition:...

Deborah Klayman
Jun 9, 2015
Don’t mention the M word!
Whoop 'n' Wail Film director Georgie Weedon’s journey into feminist theatre. As a director of factual movies (I have stopped saying...

Deborah Klayman
May 6, 2015
Election 2015: Play Nice – “Pile On!” is for the Playground
On the eve of election day, I took to Twitter to push my views in other people’s faces. After all, that’s what Twitter’s for, right? This...

Deborah Klayman
May 6, 2015
Britain: For the Love of God, Please Stop David Cameron
Benjamin Studebaker On May 7 (this Thursday), Britain has a general election. I care deeply about British politics–I did my BA over there...

Deborah Klayman
May 1, 2015
My worst nightmare!
Ali Kemp on anxiety dreams and amazing theatre! Whoop 'n' Wail Preparing to go on stage as Katie in Madjesty for Whoop ‘n’ Wail...
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