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Deborah Klayman
Oct 31, 2014
Whoop ‘n’ Wail Represents..The Launch
Whoop 'n' Wail Way back in July 2012 as Olympic fever was getting under way, here at Whoop ‘n’ Wail we were getting rather excited about...

Deborah Klayman
Oct 14, 2014
Victim Shaming and the Media
It is a sad state of affairs when a high profile woman is seen to both downplay the seriousness of rape and victim shame in one fell...
Deborah Klayman
Oct 2, 2014
Deborah Klayman
Aug 1, 2014
How Jeremy Kyle is Killing Women
Reblogged from lifeafterthechair

Deborah Klayman
Jul 25, 2014
She Writes to relaunch in Medway
17percent The exciting news is that we are going to relaunch She Writes in Chatham, Kent, and really focus on using it to help writers...
Deborah Klayman
Jul 21, 2014
Dream Your Way to Recovery
Article by Carrie Armstrong, reblogged from Life After The Chair #carriearmstrong #lifeafterthechair
Deborah Klayman
Jul 11, 2014
The Real Truth About Fattist Folk
Article by Carrie Armstrong, reblogged from Life After The Chair #carriearmstong #lifeafterthechair

Deborah Klayman
Jul 11, 2014
Go Cashless or (don’t) Go Home
Today, the day after they stopped accepting cash on London buses, I find myself chatting with no fewer than ten people who are stranded...

Deborah Klayman
Jun 26, 2014
Preview: Crossing Lines at Face to Face festival
17percent Crossing Lines is a suite of monologue plays that take us inside the mind of stalkers and their victims. Two of these plays,...

Deborah Klayman
Jun 23, 2014
Face to Face Festival – Lost Theatre
I’m very excited (and nervous!) to announce that I will be performing three of my monologue plays at the Lost Theatre on 9th and 12th...

Deborah Klayman
Jun 23, 2014
Five Minute Theatre Live Broadcast begins 5pm Monday 23rd June
If you aren’t watching @NTSonline’s #FiveMinuteTheatre then get online and check it out! National Theatre of Scotland You can watch all...

Deborah Klayman
May 22, 2014
Let The People Vote!
Firstly, the argument about FPTP applies far less for the European and council elections, which are what we are voting in today, than...

Deborah Klayman
May 15, 2014
.@Twitter: Optimised For Abuse
Caroline Criado-Perez Last summer I was the target of months of violent, misogynistic abuse. The abuse was widely reported, although the...

Deborah Klayman
Apr 4, 2014
Social media preview of The Beautiful Cosmos of Ivor Cutler in Glasgow
National Theatre of Scotland Take part in an exclusive event celebrating the opening of of The Beautiful Cosmos of Ivor Cutler, a musical...

Deborah Klayman
Mar 13, 2014
Stalking – how far is too far?
As most people who know me personally can attest, I appear to be somewhat of a magnet for stalkers. In my relatively short life I have...

Deborah Klayman
Jan 3, 2014
Coming Soon…Othello at The Millfield Theatre, London
Icarus' Othello What a way to start the new year! “An accomplished and impressive version of Othello, Icarus Theatre Collective are a...

Deborah Klayman
Dec 30, 2013
Hedda – First Run Through
Icarus' Hedda Gabler Today was the first run through of Hedda and the cast were delighted to be able to work through the show on the set...

Deborah Klayman
Dec 30, 2013
Hedda Rehearsals – Week One
Icarus' Hedda Gabler One week in and rehearsals for Hedda Gabler are well underway! A lot has been packed in to these first few days....

Deborah Klayman
Dec 30, 2013
Hedda Gabler – The Beginning
Icarus' Hedda Gabler The Hedda Gabler cast and creative team met at the London Bubble today for a first read-through of the script and a...

Deborah Klayman
Dec 14, 2013
Traverse Fifty – A year in words
Today was the last workshop of the Traverse Fifty, an attachment I have had the privilege of being part of throughout 2013. The year has...
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